Carine Doumit writes short texts and short stories published in forums, in online magazines and showcased in exhibitions. She feeds from haphazard findings, invaluable readings and decisive encounters which she later describes, transcribes and translates into various fictional forms.
تكتب كارين ضومط نصوص وقصص قصيرة تنشر في المنتديات والمجلات الإلكترونية وضمن معارض. تتغذى كتاباتها من اكتشافات عشوائية، قراءات ثمينة ولقاءات حاسمة تقوم فيما بعد بوصفها ونسخها وترجمتها إلى أشكال روائية مختلفة.
Les Épargnés | The Spared Ones
short story | written in French (translated to English) and Arabic | 2014
Made of various connected and disconnected fragments, the short story evoque recent encounters I made in Beirut: a fearless pathologist called L., an ageless child called N., a couple of inseparable stray dogs, and a woman-insect. Poetess, playwright and filmmaker Liwaa Yajzi was invited to write two short texts which were presented [deliberately untranslated] in their original Arabic version. The book was published by Ashkal Alwan for Homeworks IV.
short text | written in French, translated to English and Spanish | 2019
Filmmaker Helga Fanderl makes intimate and stricking short 8mm films. Each screening of her films is a unique composition of various films, a singular poetic moment. Helga invites me to a special screening in her former Raüm fur Film (Room for Film) in Berlin, and after returning to Beirut, where I am thrown into the momentum of a social uprising, I write her a letter. The text is published by Punto De Vista Festival as part of a homage to the filmmaker.

Still image from Mädchen by Helga Fanderl.
short text | written in Arabic, translated to English by Lina Mounzer | 2020
A few months after the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, which also marks the slow exhaustion of the 2019 uprising in Lebanon, I am invited to write on the theme of perpetual postponement. I write to my friend Liwaa Yazji who now lives in Berlin. I want to tell her about a peculiar dancing rift on a film strip. I also want to know how she could bear the loss of images and texts, a loss she had experienced twice in the past year. But first and foremost, I want to share with her my personal interpretation of Mohamed Soueid’s enigmatic title: I am in Camelia | أنا في الكاميليا.

Still image from The Notebooks of Anna Magdalena Bach by Jean-Marie Straub & Daniele Huillet,
as found in the Arsenal archives in the summer of 2019.
short text | co-written with Nour Ouayda in Arabic, translated to English by Suneela Mubayi | 2020
The text is a conversation between N. and C., the fictional characters of the film one sea, 10 seas by Nour Ouayda. Months after the violent blast which hit the silos of the port of Beirut on August 4, 2020, N. and C. walk side by side again towards the sea. The two friends break multiple layers of silence as they talk about the vibrations generated by the sudden occurrence of certain events, reverberations which penetrate the body, meandering through it, never fading away completely.
Vers le rouge ou la rétraction de l‘univers selon Jeanne Dielman
short text | written in Arabic and in French | 2021
Following a residency at the Arsenal film archives during the summer of 2019, I make an usual encounter: a copy of Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles by Chantal Akermann which had turned completely red, apparently for “chemical reasons”. However, I have multiple other explanations for the dramatic redshift. I was also invited to publish a French version of the text as part of a special issue on the circulation in (the) film archives, co-edited by Nour Ouayda and Ghada Sayegh in the online film magazine Hors Champ.

short text | written in English | 2022
I was invited to write a short text as part of the virtual exhibition «Norient City Sounds: Beirut» curated and edited by Rayya Badran. Here, fictional entries of a personal diary introduce characters of the upcoming film The Night Came About by Mira Adoumier.
The Story of Mir & The Monster that Became Dragon
short story | written in English and translated to Arabic | 2024
The Story of Mir [& The Monster that Became Dragon] is a fantastcial short story, featuring drawings by Yuna Alzakout and non/visual artist Daniel Kupferberg. It is a story about a girl called Mir, who once lived on the island of Kalimantan where she had visions of a large green monster, until she found a lizard who grew up to become a dragon.
The Story of Mir is part of the Book of Children project
This volume is part of the exhibition Manifestations; and The Voyage
Curated by Hussein Nakhal
Produced by Waraq – Tabaan!2024